We've been away.
The album got done, so we packed up and
shipped out. Our faces had become to each other like the lost keys you keep scanning
over, but never actually see and recognise. We saw more of each other's
noses in that time than we did of walls. I don't even consider the guys
as people any more - they're now just cardboard cut outs with
loudspeakers attached, repeating the same stuff over and over again
about reversing the car to get off their leg.
So we span in
our various directions, for a while. Sure, we had a party or two, but
all work stuff has been getting done over Skype and messenger services
and things. It's been that kind of time. All briefs and contracts and
mock-ups and things like that. You know, the gleeful stuff.
all been away on our respective desert islands, biking around the
countryside, sitting in front of screens editing videos or other music
or personal projects; scrubbing tiles in an underground kitchen
somewhere - slinking our psyches into the shredder of life to try and
take some of the thatness away.
Consider our last few weeks a weekend with the kids at a leisure park,
where only once or twice has it been necessary to duck behind a tree and
take a phone call from Louise about the Marchester account. Tell them
it was sorted on the twenty-third and I'll get Bill to call the
contractors about upgrading the roofing.
We're very lucky to have a
number of very good people doing things like releasing the singles and
sorting tickets at gigs and things and all that monkey hair that turns
to mush in such precious brains as the band members'. Thank you here,
monkey hair manipulators.
So PRAISE THE CEILING we're meeting up in person today for the first time in ages to sort out some last bits of peripheral artwork, and really get some more of it done, yeah? Everyone's going to be happy about that.
will sashay into the room two hours late, big sunglasses on his face,
one arm out to the side, asking what the fuck we want him for – he's got
a car waiting, he's got other things to be doing, and who are we?
will be sat in the middle of the floor, cross-legged. In his right hand
will be a toy train and it will be flying through the air. It will be
making a “brum, brum” sound.
Jeb will have his PC set up in the
lounge, and will be rocking backwards and forwards. His eyes will be red
from coffee and strain, and he will be muttering to himself. Something
about aliasing. He will look pale and ill.
Ed will be
hoovering, checking behind the back of the sofa Jeb is sat on, and
asking Seryn to make sure all the play-doh stays on the table, please,
because he's not going to scrub that out of the carpet if someone steps
on it.
I will probably be sat in the corner. Alone. Speaking
to the floor. After a while the others will look at each other and ask
“When's Tim getting here?”
And after ten hours we will looks at a picture that we no longer recognise and collectively shrug and say “Alright then.”
So Volition's out on 3rd June, and we've had a few singles out and all
that. Thanks for your support on this, all. We're really glad these
things get such good responses and we're really glad people like them.
got to get back into the swing of it all after this little break.
Spring is here. It's time for drinks outdoors, yes? It's time for “fun”
in the “sun”, isn't it? Isn't it? That's what we're supposed to be
doing, isn't it? Those are the rules, aren't they? That's what it's all
for in the end, isn't it? Five minutes in the British sunshine, eh?
Isn't it?
It's Thursday already. Wednesday seems like it was only yesterday.
Pretty slick stuff, I insist you'll agree.
Now get out there and kick your life in the chutney without fear of losing your shoe.