Wednesday, 21 November 2018
How it feels to come home.
Thursday, 15 November 2018
A breakdown.
We're heading into London while the UK government falls apart. Civil society might not be far behind, but that's OK.
We had a day off yesterday after our breakneck, whistle-stop tour of Germany and Switzerland. Nothing much to be said but thanks. Nothing more to be done yesterday but sleep.
Oh look, the van's broken down right this second. Trewin's currently trying to mold some connection or other out of copper. Ed's on the floor, rifling through my suitcase for my toolkit (ain't I a pro?) and the van is being rocked by the air pressure from lorries passing at top speed. We're on the hard shoulder somewhere outside London. There's nothing to be done but try. The van smells like burning. Who knows what's next?
We've got time, so we'll be fine for Oslo (not the city - a London venue) just depends how we get there.
Our hazard lights have just stopped working. Ed's just popped back to put a triangle out.
Here he is again. He looks back at where he's just been.
"The triangle's just fallen over."
Time to sing a song.
Trewin's working on it, and I have no idea on what level of expertise he's working.
"Bloody triangle's fallen over again."
The road, the boundaries, and the trucks are dirty and grey. Everything moans and hisses as it passes. The van shakes with an unseen force. I'm getting out of the van. There's an element of fear.
Not for the first time in this band, I feel like I'm in some spiritual netherworld.
We'll see you later.
Friday, 9 November 2018
Live and Direct From the Rear Corner of a Van Full of Men.
We're in the inbetween.
There is no health, here. The things you say and the things you do have no meaning. All actions are fleeting, all conversations are hypothetical, all memories are temporary. Leave them as lines on the map. All possible things converge to one: the destination
You can develop strange habits on these seven hour journeys. Right now I'm about to add the fourteenth piece of gum to the amorphous clay of nastiness I've been pushing around my molars for the past half hour. That's about the size of things in the inbetween. Nothing is food. Everything is chewed. Every boxed stretch of highway ends with us spitting everything out, forgetting the taste, and starting again tomorrow.
We've done Dortmund and Berlin, so far. Lovely times. Too lovely, in fact. I've been doing a lot of hugging. As the two responsible ones take turns guiding this ship down the autobahn, I've been doing a lot of necessary snoozing in the back. Berlin, especially, is an unfair torment to a mere mortal. It parties like Windows 10 updates: it's relentless, it's intrusive, and you have to do it even though you know it's bad for you.
The landscape outside is turning to soaring hills and golden forests. We're closing in on Munich. It's Friday night and we have a day off tomorrow. The very talented Rosie Carney and band, who have been following us round on these dates, have promised us a good time. I'm sure any competitive element will be solely in my head. I'm a fierce competitor, so we'll have to see how that goes.
Something's going to get lost.
Thanks to all who have come to the gigs so far and thanks to all who have seen to our comfort and wellbeing. We appreciate everything people do for us.
The air in here may be stale, but everything else is sweet.
Whatever you're up to, and whenever you're up to it, sprinkle some sugar on it like a mischievous little pixie.
Monday, 5 November 2018
Fwd: Re: 2018 phoria tour & message to all ye who enter here
All milky and lava-lamp-ish the street-lights reflecting on my big red car bonnet as I curl it round at night all sound and echoing engine...
Where are we, then? What are we up to, eh? Are you hungry, are you? Are you hungry for more? Are you? I am. Where are we, then? Wel...
Has anyone figured this stuff out yet? There's no excuse for not knowing where you are and why you're there (here). You've ...