Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Bloodworks, sweat, and...gigs.

So, the Bloodworks EP is streaming in full. Even my mum likes it. I can't link to soundcloud, where it's hosted, but I can link you to ThisIsFakeDIY, where the EP premiered the other day.
I joke a lot, but we're all really proud and so happy to finally share it with all you young bucks. Aw, ain't we sweet? No, is the answer. Still, moving on...

We played SoundScreen on Sunday night at Brighton Dome theatre. It was a blast! Thanks to all who made the trip; our collaborators Philip Mayne, Florence Barkway, Louis D'Aboville; and to our dancer Marie. Well done all. Flavia and Ashleigh deserve a big hand also, you little organisers, you.

So, that's it really: Bloodworks is live and streaming, good gig on Sunday...

We're playing a freebie at the Old Blue Last in Lundun tomorrow (18/4) at which pub you should arrive, enter, and remain. It is FREE. You don't get much for free, nowadays. Unless you're an aristocrat. In which case: satire.

This is the goodbye, now.


P.S. The official video for Red is still being bundled together like liquid sticks. It's looking grand, and will be with you in a week or so. Something to look forward to, no?

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All milky and lava-lamp-ish the street-lights reflecting on my big red car bonnet as I curl it round at night all sound and echoing engine...