Friday, 5 April 2013

Radio killed the internet star.

Hello? Hello?

Ah, there you are.

Good gig the other night at Sticky Mike's in Brighton. Thanks to those who came down! We've been up and down and in and out of, to, and from so many places recently that it was nice to play a lil' half hour set just around the corner. Home in time for Newsnight.

We're practicing this afternoon for our live appearance on BBC Sussex tomorrow evening. 8pm, I believe. You can listen online, if you're outside of the area.

Whenever I've done radio things before, the performances/interviews have always been pre-recorded - all the better to cut out any remarks I might make about...anything. Tomorrow night, though, it seems it's all going out live. I'm arming Seryn with a tranquiliser gun to be pointed at my head throughout the interview, lest any discussion of domestic politics or the illegal snail-fighting industry rear its steaming ugly head from a car parked in a disa... You see what I'm talking about? I can't let myself get sidetracked onto things like that. Stick to the music, Tim. Stick to the subject. Smile with closed lips and sound like you're nodding. Pretend like you're having a good time. Let the sedatives do their work...

So, yeah. Grateful for the opportunity.

We're looking forward to our gig at one of our favourite venues. Should be a mega blast, I tell thee.

And I won't have a microphone anywhere near my face. Something which could be a good or a bad thing, depending on your imagination.

Have a great Friday. Not like last week's, which was merely...


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All milky and lava-lamp-ish the street-lights reflecting on my big red car bonnet as I curl it round at night all sound and echoing engine...